Pajcini Lab
About the Lab
Research in our laboratory focuses on the role of cell signaling in hematopoietic development and disorders. Specifically, the Notch signaling pathway regulates fetal hematopoietic stem cells’ development and cell fate decisions (HSC) in mouse models. The overall goal is to understand the molecular and signaling cues that allow for the vast regeneration potential of fetal HSCs and to develop biomedical and bioengineered approaches that will allow adult bone-marrow HSCs to self-renew and expand with the same potency as fetal HSCs.To accomplish these goals, we rely on transgenic mouse models and embryonic dissection of fetal and adult hematopoietic organs. We use these strategies to accurately detect the hematopoietic development in the mammalian system.
Ongoing Research

Ex vivo micropatterned co-culture of HSCs on primary hepatocyte islands

Genetic deletion of Jagged-1 in the vasculature prevents normal formation of the fetal liver.
The overall goal of this research is to "turn back the clock" on adult blood cells and develop laboratory methods that will help rejuvenate and replenish the blood supply for clinical applications and blood transfusion patients.

Kostandin Pajcini PhD
4140 COMRB
909 S Wolcott Ave
Chicago IL 60612
Office: 4135 COMRB
Lab: 4140 COMRB
Phone: (312) 355- 4439